
Average score 2084 Reviews
nico MALAC noted on Google

1 month ago
Blythe noted on Google

Un véritable délice! Chaque plat que j'ai essayé chez Uniwok Gap a été parfait, surtout leurs POKE BOWLS. (Translated by Google) A real delight! Every dish I've tried at Uniwok Gap has been perfect, especially their POKE BOWLS.

1 month ago
Louis Dubois noted on Google

Très bon, bon accueil, prix correct (Translated by Google) Very good, good welcome, fair price

1 month ago
Lucila Calvaruso noted on Google

Le meilleur restaurant asiatique de la région! Les makis et temakis sont exquis, et le sashimi fond dans la bouche. (Translated by Google) The best Asian restaurant in the region! The makis and temakis are exquisite, and the sashimi melts in your mouth.

1 month ago
Luc Merelle noted on Google

Très bien accueillie et repas très bon (Translated by Google) Very warm welcome and very good meal

1 month ago
Audrey Klimowicz noted on Google

1 month ago
Matthias Olivera noted on Google

J'adore cet endroit! La variété des plats japonais et chinois est impressionnante, et tout est préparé avec soin. (Translated by Google) I love this place! The variety of Japanese and Chinese dishes is impressive, and everything is prepared with care.

1 month ago
Pito Gogo noted on Google

1 month ago
oqLLlwOLsebastienn prats y navarro noted on Google

1 month ago
Dalila Alluis noted on Google

1 month ago

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78 Avenue de Provence
05000 Gap, France

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